l.a. zine week

open mic - van nuys library & drifter zine

open mic - van nuys library & drifter zine

Join us at the @VanNuysPublicLibrary on Monday, February 24th

(during #LAZineWeek) from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for Open Mic Night hosted by @Drifter_Zine!

Ready to hop on the mic? Come read a section of your zine, a poem, song, or anything you must get off your chest! Open to all artsy formats. Participants have 5 minutes or less. Sign up available as soon as you arrive!

L.A. Zine week occurs every year during the week leading up to @LAZineFest! #ZineWeekLA

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early morning journaling & zine making - paper plant co.

early morning journaling & zine making - paper plant co.

This Sunday, bring your stationery and come hang with us. Spend a lovely, creative morning alongside your local stationery community to journal, and also learn how to make an 8-page zine thanks to @lazinefest !! Our wonderful teammate @michellemorataya_ who is an organizer at LA Zinefest will be there to answer any zine (and stationery) related questions.

We'll provide pens, stamps, and other crafting tools. Seats are first come, first served in front of our 936 shop.

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Thank you to our 2025 collaborators